Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Beginning Amidst Turmoil

Greetings and welcome to my blog.

     It occurs to me that we as the denizens of this world are living in a time of momentous change and undeniable historical significance.  More than half of the world is on the brink of war and destruction, while the other half has already crossed the threshold, and many innocent people find themselves embroiled in a conflict with which they have nothing to do.  Millions of people around the world have lost their homes, livelihoods, families, friends, loved ones, and any semblance of a basic and normal life.  And many of you may ask yourself why this is allowed to happen, how so many innocent lives are lost every day, and more importantly, why nothing is being done to quell the destruction.

     Most, if not all, war is funded by the greedy and driven by a thirst for more power or money.  Often times if you wish to find the reason behind the inequities of the corrupt, you merely need to follow the paper trail.  Many of our generation were marked by the stigma of the most recent conflict in Iraq, having been fed to us as a "war on terror".  We were led to believe by a government that we trusted that our enemies were just out of sight, and barely out of reach, and that if we just pushed a little harder we would apprehend those responsible for all the ills in the world.  We, as a public, were told that Saddam Hussein, and his minions, were in possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction, and were poised to use them.  So, naturally we wanted these criminals brought to justice, and for the world to be safe, once again.

     It would turn out, however, that in our fear and haste we were tricked by our own government, by the very body that we elected out of trust and confidence.  The "war on terror" devolved into nothing more than a hand over fist "war for oil", and before we could even recover from the shock of that news, the hits just kept on coming.  As a nation, America is involved in more than half a dozen conflicts globally, stationed in places that have no strategic bearing, all the while fighting a war against an invisible, and intangible, enemy.  Recently we were presented with the news that Osama Bin Laden, the world's most wanted man, had been killed in a raid in Pakistan, well inside the borders of it's most affluent city.  Yet the Pakistani government had no idea that the most wanted man in the world was essentially set up in their backyard.  Now, it would be very easy to chalk this malfeasance up to the ignorance of the Pakistani intelligence community, however another question should be raised:  Why didn't the U.S. know?  The answer could be one of the following:

  • Osama Bin Laden was killed years ago and simply "kept on ice" to be presented at a later date.
  • The American/British intelligence community knew full well the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden, as he was a valuable asset to both the CIA and MI:6
     Now, I know that it's difficult for many Americans to accept that their government would perpetrate such a horrendous lie upon the citizenry.  Surely we're better than that, right?  We're a bastion of freedom and liberty in an otherwise oppressed world, known internationally as a haven for the downtrodden and abused.  Only, things have changed recently.  Where we used to be innovators on the forefront of democracy, we are now tools of corporate entities.  Where we were once a nation of individuals who valued our liberty, we are now complacent in mere existence.  Unfortunately the America that I and so many others love has fallen down a dark and seemingly bottomless hole.

     But not all hope is lost, far from it.  As long as a fire burns in the hearts of true patriots, America will never truly die.  Admittedly this nation has deviated so far from it's original design that you can hardly call it "The Home of the Free" anymore, but as ever hope will be the key to restoring this once glorious nation to it's foundation, a foundation of freedom and liberty, of free ideals and free peoples.  And it all starts, or rather ominously ends, with us.  Citizens like ourselves are the key to returning power to the free people of this nation and, ironically, we are also who keep the corrupt in power.  Whether or not you voted to put the current administration in power, or whether you voted against them doesn't matter.  And if you didn't vote?  Complacency is just as bad, unfortunately.  

     After the heinous attacks of September 11th, our leaders instilled in us so great a fear that many of us threw our freedoms into the ring, and practically begged the administration to take from us our basic liberties to hunt down and apprehend the people responsible.  Whether you believe the attacks were truly the work of terrorists, an inside job perpetrated by our government in order to seize power from the citizens, or some combination of both doesn't matter.  What matters is that it's time for the power to be returned to the people of this country.  And that's what this blog is about.

     I will document current events as they happen(to the best of my limited ability), and attempt to make sense of it all.  Mostly this exists as a record in what I believe to be living history.  Generations from now I believe that the events and actions of our generations will be taught in schools, and I for one would like to have the record set straight.  So, stay tuned, and thanks for reading.  God bless.

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